
Hurt In A Car Accident? 2 Reasons You Should Talk With A Personal Injury Attorney

After being involved in a traumatic accident, you might be more concerned about dealing with your injuries and taking care of your family than you are about seeking justice. To let things settle down, you might be tempted to let the insurance company handle the situation, while you focus on other things. However, sitting around while your financial fate is decided might not work in your favor. Here are two reasons you should talk with a personal injury attorney: Read More 

Involved In A Bad Accident? 3 Things You Should Give To Your Lawyer

Nothing is worse than dealing with the aftermath of a bad car accident. In addition to working through your own recovery, you might be forced to deal with unplanned expenses and calls from pushy insurance adjusters. To make things right, you might be thinking about working with a car accident attorney to file a lawsuit. Here are three things that you need to give to your lawyer, so that he or she can start shaping your case: Read More 

Challenging Property Zones: Legal Issues That Religious Organizations Face

As religious organizations grow in size, congregations and followers need new places of worship. For example, by 2012, the number of mosques in the United States had increased 72 percent compared to the year 2000. When religious groups decide to open new facilities, leaders must often contend with complicated legal hurdles, including issues with property zones. Learn more about the legal challenges that religious groups face, and find out how United States law protects these people. Read More 

What Happens If You Are Injured Or Made Ill During An International Cruise?

Taking a cruise can be a once-in-a-lifetime experience, especially once you venture outside the United States into international waters. However, with recent news coverage of cruise ship disasters -- including the 2012 engine fire that left passengers stranded on the ship for 5 days before returning to shore -- you may be concerned about the options you have if you are injured or made ill while taking a cruise. Read on to learn more about how cruise ship accidents, injuries, and illnesses are treated under U. Read More 

Effectively Disputing Fault Accusations In Traffic Accidents

When an accident occurs, the first order of business—after making sure everyone is okay—is to determine who or what caused the accident. This is not always a straightforward process, and sometimes people are accused of being in the wrong when they weren't. If you find yourself in this situation, here are a few tactics you can take to defend against having the blame for an accident pinned on you. Break Out the Driver's Manual Read More